Title: English for Presentations
Series: Express Series
Author(s): Marion Grussendorf
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date: 2007
Pages: 76
Size: 52 Mb
Format: PDF + MP3
Quality: High
Language: English English for Presentations is part of the EXPRESS SERIES. It is the ideal quick course for professionals who need to give presentations in English. It can be used to supplement a regular coursebook, on its own, as a stand-alone intensive specialist course of for self-study.
Key Features of the Book
. A wide range of material targeting the stages of presentations
. Tip boxes addressing key language points, useful phrases and strategies
. Opportunities to practise giving presentations
. STARTER section at the beginning of each unit with warm-up and awareness-raising activities
. OUTPUT section at the end of each unit with activities to encourage discussion and reflection
. Appendix including an answer key, transcript, A-Z wordlist and a glossary of useful phrases and vocabulary