Fine Kracker Numbers cant lie yet I cant reach vannila she may be in married,dead or something now this is how you are going to do it.
PM me the location on the site you want it in then some contents you will be sharing. you have stated in the PM that you will get them from exploitdb give me a sample of that. i am afraid of hosting contents that may later on be used to hack us. Lastly This is Illegal but what tha Fuck we have broken so many rules that breaking one more seems like nothing. this may take a while to develop so as soon as i get your Opinion ill get to work. [p.s.]so i agree If ever ever the site gets hacked, i will purge that section. and its eigther that or No deal.
if vannila comes in and says No its purged. i know her server got hacked and she will not go well with this anyway get modelling